If there’s one thing I know, it’s the virtual practice space.
I’ve coached thousands of doctors seeking the best ways to transform their chiropractic and holistic health practices. Along with my team at Health Experts Alliance, we have pioneered the virtual practice space, capturing priceless data along the way.
Why are some virtual practices so successful? How do they achieve results seemingly overnight?
Why do other practices spark and then fizzle away? What are their biggest challenges?
I have invested my life’s work into the virtual practice space because I know it’s the future of healthcare. With more than one million doctors in America, not every practitioner can follow the same formula. Adding a virtual component to your practice delivers massive benefits.
Did you know that a brick-and-mortar doctor would have to see 477 patients a day to outrank his virtual competition? It’s time to think outside of the traditional “doctor” box to embrace the potential of virtual healthcare.
Qualities of Successful Virtual Health Practitioners
Many capable, talented doctors hesitate going virtual because they’re not sure how to translate their expertise into the virtual space.
But the truth is, any doctor can embrace virtual healthcare with just a few simple steps. If you follow the HEA formula- including all of the secrets we’ve learned navigating this space for ten years- you’ll find yourself with every tool you need to achieve and even surpass your goals.
Start by identifying the most important physician qualities of successful virtual health practitioners. What can you do to elevate your ability to serve patients in the virtual space?
Virtual Bedside Manner
The only experience more universal than visiting the doctor is waiting for the doctor. Patients expect to wait for 20, 30, even 60 minutes while the doctor finishes his previous appointments, fills out paperwork, and makes his way to their room.
Virtual practice introduces the opportunity to eliminate this hassle altogether. You can always be on time for virtual appointments! This simple change is immeasurably powerful. Your patients feel recognized and valued, and you reclaim minutes and hours that were once lost to the inefficient brick-and-mortar process.
This may not be visible to your patients, but it’s every bit as essential to your virtual success. Keep these tips in mind to delegate effectively:
- Focus on the critical tasks that you do best
- Hire the right people to handle everything else
- Delegate economically
When I first launched my virtual practice, I couldn’t afford another full-time employee, so I hired an assistant to help out a few hours each week. We used this time in a highly focused manner and it transformed my productivity!
Though it’s a natural instinct to maintain oversight and control of every single blossoming component of your practice, it’s not realistic. Your business can never grow if you insist on remaining attached to every branch, leaf, and flower that grows. Eventually, a paradigm shift of delegation becomes necessary to help you break free from your limitations.
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Embrace Technology
Today’s technology extends lightyears beyond flashy website pages and funny cat videos on YouTube. The technology sitting at your fingertips allows your systems to run at full capacity while you sleep… or workout… or vacation in the Caribbean with your family.
Technology is your friend, so embrace it as such! Every successful virtual practice utilizes strategic technology to produce residual income from self-automated systems, and you can too.
Not sure where to begin? Start here to learn about the four biggest tech challenges and how to overcome them.
Mindset of Possibility
Believe in yourself and the opportunities that exist in your virtual space! This is the core difference between people who thrive and people who struggle.
If you overanalyze and agonize over the “what ifs”, you’ll always be too afraid to jump in and push for progress.
People who have a mindset of possibility take action. They aren’t afraid of making errors because they learn from their mistakes.
Strong Brand Focus
Your brand is the experience that patients have with your practice before they actually engage with you. It serves as the first impression of your business, and we all know the power of a first impression.
Your patients want to engage with you emotionally, so make sure your brand encourages those connections. Your followers need to know they can trust you!
Maximize one of the most important physician qualities by focusing on your brand as an essential component of your growth. This is the 21st century; you can redesign your website, redefine your space, and revitalize your brand virtually overnight. It’s never too late.
You need a proven roadmap to create predictable success in the virtual space. This is exactly what we do at Health Experts Alliance. Our virtual success roadmaps and blueprints have helped to launch multiple seven- and eight-figure supplement companies, digital education plans, and virtual practices.
Strategy-driven virtual practice growth is our specialty! As an owner and top investor in one of the fastest-growing health growth brands in the U.S, I see firsthand how health experts use their innovative services to help others while scaling and building for success.
Niched Down
Picking a niche is one of the most strategic (and lucrative!) gifts you can give to your medical practice. It involves selecting a specialized corner of your market with distinct products and services.
Many practitioners are hesitant to select a niche because they’re afraid of picking the wrong niche or becoming pigeon-holed. But the truth is that niching down gives you direction and a “stickiness” that encourages patients to stay loyal to your brand.
You don’t need to identify the perfect niche right away, but you do need to get started and try! You’ll learn as you go. Embracing your specialty makes it possible to flourish as a professional, become more profitable, and increase your patient impact.
Remember, you don’t need to navigate uncharted waters alone. Our team at Health Experts Alliance offers the training, strategies, and roadmaps you need to embrace these best physician qualities and experience the truly life-changing potential of virtual healthcare.
Discover How Health Practitioners Are Quietly Doubling their Businesses By Tapping Into The Multi-Trillion Dollar Longevity Industry
(Hint: It’s Easier Than You Think)
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