The Best Natural Health Practice Lead Generation Strategies
Chiropractor lead generation

You know the term lead generation and you know it matters to your business… but you have no idea how to implement it effectively. 

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. So many talented, driven, brilliant doctors are stuck in lead generation no-man’s-land. Some have thousands of leads, but no formula to convert them into lasting patients. Others have enviable marketing plans with no established audience. 

Whichever piece of the puzzle you’re missing, now is the best time to bolster your lead generation systems! The chaos and uncertainty of 2020 shined an unexpected spotlight on virtual medicine, so now is the time to generate leads virtually and connect with more clients than ever. 

An Overview to Natural Health & Chiropractic Lead Generation Strategies

I used to spend all of my time doing events in the brick-and-mortar world. If I wasn’t in the office with patients, I was running from event to event, hustling for new patients. My efforts generated at least 350 new patients every month, but at the cost of intense 14-hour days. It might have been an effective model, but not a sustainable one. 

Now that I’ve transitioned from brick-and-mortar to virtual, I understand how I can multiply those results with significantly less time and effort. It’s all about lead generation strategies!

Most doctors, including natural health practitioners and chiropractors, approach lead generation as a range of random strategies to throw at the wall until something sticks. But that’s not how you get real results. I always urge practitioners to view lead generation in stages and work backward to reverse engineer your goals.

Most systems tell you to attract new leads, nurture them, and convert them into lasting customers. However, all of the attracting and nurturing in the world is useless if you haven’t designed a reliable system to convert those leads! 

That’s why we start backward with conversion and work our way to the beginning. 

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Conversion Strategies

Conversion strategies are closest to your sales funnel. They transform interest into a long-term commitment. 

First, Make Sure Your Site Isn’t Leaking Leads

How many leads are you losing to cracks and holes in your conversion system? Assess your website and social media platforms to make sure new leads can always connect with your practice:

  • Include Call to Action (CTA) buttons and links on every page
  • Capture email address information from visitors

Is Your Sales Process Clear and Documented?

Double-check your sales process the same way. You don’t want to spend all of your time and money driving leads to your site, only to lose them when your sales process fails. 

You can start by calculating your closing rate. Test one element a month to improve your closing rate, such as follow-up emails or sales sequence order. Document everything that you do and the changes you experience; you can’t improve on what you don’t have documented. 

Referral Program in Place?

The single easiest way to attract new leads is from existing customers. Period. 

When customers believe in and trust the urgency of your mission, they become eager to share it with others. This is why the most successful virtual practices offer more than results; they offer a collaborative community for lasting change and inspiration. 

Design your own referral program to capture new leads sent through referrals, such as gifting a free consultation.

Natural health practice chiropractic lead generation

Nurture Strategies

Now that you know exactly how you’ll move legitimate leads into conversions, you can step back and design your nurturing strategies. 

Once prospects learn about you, they want to see more and decide if you’re the right fit for their needs. Pre-defined nurturing strategies help you earn the trust of these potential clients and urge them to become a part of your community. 

Lead Magnet Offers

A lead magnet offer should always launch your nurture strategies. Most lead magnets are “freebies” offered in exchange for an email address: cheat sheets, shopping guides, or other valuable, relevant offers.

When done properly, your lead magnet will actively engage new prospects and encourage them to opt-in and develop a long-term relationship with your practice. 

Email Marketing Strategy

How can you best use the email addresses you obtain through your lead magnet? Develop a healthcare email marketing strategy to achieve multiple goals simultaneously:

  • Position your brand as the authority in your space
  • Demonstrates your knowledge
  • Showcases your results,
  • Influences people to take action

Entry Point Offer

Finally, your nurturing strategies should culminate with an “entry point offer” such as an initial consultation. As the name suggests, this offer converts leads from passive to active participants in your practice.

Attract Strategies

As you reverse engineer your chiropractic lead generation system, the final step is to attract new leads and get more eyes on your brand. 

There are countless strategies and techniques for this part of your sales funnel, but I don’t recommend applying them all at once. Instead, start with one or two and build a steady following.

Blog Strategy

It’s relatively quick and simple to build a blog on your website. Use your blog to educate prospects on solutions to their needs and bolster your position of authority and expertise in your niche. 

I always encourage practitioners to develop engaging blog topics by identifying the top FAQs from patients. Checkout Facebook forums, Amazon books, and questions on to find valuable, relevant questions pertaining to your natural health practice. 

Social Media Strategy

Social media offers one of the most valuable tools to reach your target audience. You just need to use it strategically. Cultivate conversations with your niche market by connecting on the right social media platforms in private groups and on your public page. 

Use these tips for best results: 

Local SEO

Even after going virtual, your local identity still matters very much. You can use local search engine optimization (SEO) to drive locals to your practice. 

Start by making sure your “Google My Business” (GMB) profile is updated and optimized. Reviews, offers, pictures, and postings all support a strong GMB rating. 

Natural Health & Chiropractic Lead Generation

For your virtual business, growth starts with your lead generation to attract, nurture, and convert new clients. The key is consistency and optimization. If you master those two factors, nothing can stop you!

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