Written by Dr. Isaac Jones
February 6, 2024
In order to be successful and wealthy, you have to be overworked, stressed, and exhausted, right?
This pervasive myth just simply isn’t true… at least if you follow the path of other doctors in Health Experts Alliance.
We’ve helped many of the fastest-growing natural health businesses achieve six, seven, and even eight figures by teaching them how to leverage their time wisely. We don’t preach 12-hour workdays or weekends in the office. We actually encourage the opposite: short yet precisely defined workdays designed to guarantee maximum output.
The structure of your calendar determines your momentum and future trajectory. You can think, hope, wish, plan, and desire as much as you want, but until your intentions become an integral part of your calendar, they won’t generate results.
So what is a day in the life of a chiropractor? How do high-performing doctors build calendars that scale successful businesses while simultaneously cultivating an excellent quality of life?
What Kind of Doctors Are We Talking About?
My calendar looks dramatically different now than it did ten years ago, or even five years ago!
Since I founded my first virtual practice in 2008, I’ve been on a constant quest to improve and enhance my calendar for maximum efficiency.
Through Health Experts Alliance, I work with doctors from all backgrounds: medical doctors, family doctors, surgeons, chiropractors, naturopaths, and holistic practitioners. Regardless of their specialties, these doctors use the same strategies to build methodical, results-driven calendars that generate lasting success.
By creating this type of calendar for yourself, you create an environment of performance that keeps your patients happy and allows you to achieve your goals.
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How to Make Your Dream Schedule Work
A dream schedule doesn’t build itself or happen by chance. You must look ahead and plan in advance to embrace the type of schedule you want.
Protect Your Vacation Time
First, block off vacation time at least a year in advance. If you know right now that you’ll be in Maui in 18 months, you’ll spend the next year and a half making plans around that vacation in order to protect it. Last-minute business fires won’t have the chance to eat into your vacation time. Without this type of pre-planning, business inevitably bleeds into your vacation days and ruins any potential rest and rejuvenation.
Why use vacation as the first building block as your calendar? It might seem counter-intuitive to start by protecting your non-working time, but it’s actually the key to success!
Mark Timm, my mentor and the author of Mentor to Millions with Shark Tank‘s Kevin Harrington, uses an analogy that hits this point home. Mark compares entrepreneurs taking vacations to lumberjacks sharpening their axes. The lumberjack who stops to rest, recoup, and sharpen his tool can chop down a tree much faster than the lumberjack who toils away without any rest to refine his tool or rest his muscles.
The better you take care of yourself, the better you can perform! So take the time to define your ultimate vacation. What would be a platinum, gold, or silver vacation escape for you and your family? Look ahead six months or a year to guarantee this type of self-care. Doing so is exactly how HEA doctors enjoy such flexible schedules while still maximizing profitability.
Work Like a Modern-Day Athlete
I always recommend chunking your calendar to work in 90-day sprints. Push as hard as you can for 90 days toward specific goals, then take a break. This is how modern-day athletes structure their time training, competing, and recuperating.
Take Time to Think and Dream
Not all productivity is visible. Sometimes the most important tasks are all in your head.
So give yourself permission to think about your journey and dream beyond where you are at this moment. Thinking ahead creates space to imagine what’s possible and implement the steps necessary to turn maybe into reality.
People do this who build not only amazing businesses, but amazing lives. They are thriving spiritually, emotionally, financially. So give yourself permission to create space in your heart, mind, and daily schedule for forward-thinking.
A Day in the Life of a Chiropractor
What does it look like when you put all of this together? We’ve compiled examples from many HEA doctors to give you a sneak peek into a standard schedule for a virtual practice member.
Morning Schedule: 6am-11am
Most of our virtual doctors start their days around 6:00 am. Though we all spend our time differently, the goal is the same: enjoy the first few hours of the day and prepare for a productive morning. This may include:
- Self-care
- Journaling
- Meditation
- Working out
- Spending time with spouse and children
I always spend time with my kids in the morning and make them breakfast, then start my workday at 9:30 with a quick weekly team meeting to make sure everyone is focused on the right goals.
As a practice owner, you may not work in your business each day, but you still lead, delegate, and focus on revenue-generating tasks.
Afternoon Schedule: 12pm-5pm
I always pause my morning for a lunch break right around noon. This isn’t a working lunch break; I might read, sit in the sun, or chat with friends.
After lunch, our virtual practice doctors work for a few more hours on critical, highly defined tasks such as:
- Training new team member
- Creating content and assets
- Building relationships and keeping in touch with network
- Having consultations and sales calls
Since our doctors are so focused during the day, they don’t need to burn the midnight oil. We end our day around 3:30 or 4:00pm.
Evening Schedule: After 5pm
High-performing virtual doctors structure their days to be so targeted and purposeful that they are able to walk away from their desks by the early evening. This leaves plenty of time to relax, read, spend time with family, and enjoy other hobbies.
How to Transform Your Own Virtual Practice Calendar
This calendar structure is real and embraced by hundreds of doctors who have come through the door at Health Experts Alliance to learn the secrets of success. All you need is a coach and trusted guide to help you embrace a high performing calendar for yourself.
HEA’s Virtual Practice Accelerator is designed to teach doctors how to strategically enter the virtual practice industry. When you build your virtual practice on the right foundation, you’re instantly set up to maximize revenue, impact, and freedom – with a schedule that’s set on your terms.
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(Hint: It’s Easier Than You Think)
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